Fox [ Fox - This is me… ] :
I found a neat little “How Do I Know If I’m Plural?” essay, and even though we now know we definitely are , I thought it’d still be fun to fill the checklist out with Circe [ Circe - Wait, how did this get here? - It’s Thursday evening. November 21st, 2024. A lot has changed this Monday—November 18th… ] —and it helped us find out more about how all of this came to be, and why we might not have caught it sooner. Here we go:
Having “your consciousness” talk to you in extended ways Fox 4 out of 5 stars
Yeah. The highlight of our best guess for when Circe became distinct, in 2018, is a three-month-long argument with my consciousness.
Circe 3 out of 5 stars
Fox went… kinda crazy for a while that time, and I don’t really have memories of it. I think it might have been one of us that hasn’t quite been as distinct as I am yet. I rarely hear Fox or the others when I’m here, usually only when we’re starting to blur before a switch.
Your internal dialogue is sometimes or always a conversation/dialogue in which one side you don’t control Fox 0.5 out of 5 stars
Not really, I don’t think. I can’t talk to Circe directly most of the time, our communication is mostly through sharing echoes of thoughts and feelings. We have distinct internal dialogues.
Circe 4 out of 5 stars
Yeah, all the time. It’s not quite hearing the others—that feels very different, and I can usually feel where in our head they are and know my internal dialogue isn’t them; it’s more like… my own feelings were talking to me?
You have “parts of yourself” or “other selves” that you are in conversation with internally, with words or otherwise Fox 5 out of 5 stars
Yeah; I can frequently feel the others and get flashes of thoughts and emotions that aren’t mine from the back of my mind. I’ve specifically used the “part of me” phrasing to talk about them frequently, even before we suspected plurality.
Circe 2 out of 5 stars
Not quite that far. The emotional internal dialogue from the last point is distinctly me , not “other selves”.
You have “racing thoughts”, where your thought train is many internal dialogues at once Fox 0 out of 5 stars
Not that I remember!
Circe 2 out of 5 stars
Very occasionally, usually when I kick into crisis management mode. I… don’t quite split , but I feel like my thoughts start running in parallel to anticipate and tend to everything that requires tending.
You may describe yourself as a “collection of voices”, or a “collection of separate selves trying to be one person” Fox 3.5 out of 5 stars
Hah; More than that [ it - Identity is a fascinating thing. It’s a foundation upon which to build an understanding of one’s place in the world; a powerful lens through which to… ] - “a concept [ Concept - A concept is a particularly significant resident of Foxspace—something with a shape, a word with a definition. These thoughts have exceptional… ] that exists in an entire system, entire universe of concepts to relate and compare itself to”. That page predates our suspicion of there being more than just me here by over a year.
Circe 2.5 out of 5 stars
Not sure how to rate this one. I’m distinct, I’m a person, I belong to me and only myself—but as a whole, as the fox? Yeah, especially when masking.
Having fictional characters you write about or think about a lot start having opinions and doing things you didn’t intentionally make them do Fox 0 out of 5 stars
Not to my knowledge! You’d think Nay [ Dance with a Devil - Of how the dark creeps in unnoticed. - Baldur’s Gate 3 Act 3 spoilers ahead… ] would count, but even though she grew and developed over the years as I’ve been roleplaying her across multiple games, she developed through the choices presented to her in those games, which were selected by my hand; she doesn’t exist in my head as a person.
Circe 3 out of 5 stars
Sometimes. The personas I create, especially in more intimate roleplaying settings [ The Moth - Of moths and flames and beautiful TTRPGs. - I recently had the honor of playing Kestrel Eliot’s wonderful “Goblin Market” with two dear friends of mine; a GM–less roleplaying game about… ] , can end up extremely vivid, and usually develop into someone with very visceral emotions and thoughts. They never stuck around or developed into distinct people in our head like me and the others, though.
Having a “spiritual advisor” comment on things inside your head Fox 4 out of 5 stars
That’s Circe. We think of her as the responsible one, the caretaker, the Witch . She has kept me safe from my anxiety many, many times.
Circe 0.25 out of 5 stars
Not really a spiritual advisor, no, just an internal dialogue. Not much here feels “spiritual”.
Having any other kind of spiritual entity that cohabitates within your head Fox 4 out of 5 stars
My first instinct was a “no”, but… That’s not what we used to say, actually. Our coping mechanism for dealing with our depression and anxiety was, for a long time, telling ourselves “my brain is not me”; we’d personify the intrusive thoughts and explicitly cut ourselves off from them. Our internal world feels like a warm, dark forest, where we can’t really see very much and instead have to feel our way around by touch, by tracing the edges [ Monsters - The sun goes down, and with it, we all bury our light—so that we last the night. - I’ve been thinking a lot about monsters and monsterhood lately; about the shadows we all share, even under different lights. About blending what is… ] and shapes of things—and some of those things are “Holes”, a tear we can’t reach through. Sometimes, when we spiral into our anxiety, a monster comes out of one of those holes and starts tearing things apart; it does not feel like a person, it feels like a hungry, destructive, inhuman force.
Circe 1 out of 5 stars
Well, there’s Fox, but it’s not very spiritual; if anything, I am more of a spirit to it :P
Having an “imaginary friend” long into adulthood that acts autonomously some or all of the time Fox 0 out of 5 stars
I don’t remember having “imaginary friends”, or at least none that I’d think of that way. I remember very little of my childhood; nothing like this persisted into adulthood.
Circe 0 out of 5 stars
I’m very new. I didn’t really have a “childhood”, much less things that would stick around long enough to qualify here. Nor did I have imaginary friends, for that matter.
Having “daydream characters” who act and speak autonomously, and express opinions you did not dictate Fox 0 out of 5 stars
I don’t even know what a “daydream character” would be, so I’m leaning towards a firm “no”; some of my dear ones reacted to this question with recognition, but it doesn’t register as anything relatable to me.
Circe 1.75 out of 5 stars
Sometimes, vaguely? I do find myself daydreaming quite a bit, especially around my dear ones.
Otherwise having an internal part of your thoughtspace that behaves in person-like ways you cannot control, whether it speaks in words or otherwise Fox 5 out of 5 stars
Hi, Circe!
Circe 4.25 out of 5 stars
Hi, Fox! 💙
Feeling like some other entity is moving your body or parts of your body for you or speaking for you Fox 5 out of 5 stars
Yeah. We struggled with that feeling for a long time, that depersonalization/derealization. Sometimes I’d just feel like a spectator watching a movie of my body doing things I had no control over.
Circe 1.75 out of 5 stars
Rarely. When I’m here, I’m in control, but Fox comes out sometimes around our partner to go “😳😳😳” and floods me with how much we love them.
Feeling like you are possessed, or believing that you are, or that you are the possessor in that situation Fox 1 out of 5 stars
Kind of? The answer is the same as to the last question, but I never viewed it as “possession”, just ugly, miserable depersonalization.
Circe 2.25 out of 5 stars
The “possessor” thing hits hard. I’m really scared of replacing Fox or messing up the life I’ve been given through being here. …It’s also kind of hot.
Feeling like you weren't born in that body, that you simply appeared one day inside of it Fox 3.5 out of 5 stars
Yeaaaaaaah. I have little to no memories of my childhood. We suspect I’m not our original host.
Circe 5 out of 5 stars
Moooooom, the online plurality checklist is calling me oooooout.
Not feeling in control of what you are doing or like you are on autopilot Fox 3.75 out of 5 stars
Way too often.
Circe 0 out of 5 stars
Nope, I’m very here, and I’m very in control~
Feeling like you "went somewhere else" for a while and someone else did things with the body Fox 2.5 out of 5 stars
At times. When the monster would come out, I felt like I wasn’t just not in control, but distinctly like I got pushed out, forced away.
Circe 5 out of 5 stars
Yeah, that’s exactly how we describe me switching out; I “go away” or “leave”.
Feeling like you "became a different person" for a while, or otherwise feeling like a different person sometimes Fox 3.75 out of 5 stars
Yeah; our connection to teenage Fox is very weak, its emotions and thoughts and problems felt unlike ours. We’ve said that used to be someone else, a different person, way before we suspected plurality in ourselves.
Circe 2 out of 5 stars
It happens occasionally! I can get pretty intense at times when I get excited :3
Acting and feeling different in different situations to the point that you genuinely believe different things at different times Fox 4 out of 5 stars
Yup, frequently. Our enjoyment of things, opinions, at times even tastes or skills have changed suddenly in the past along with a change of environment. We got clocked this week since I offered to record bass for a friend’s song, and Circe instead insisted that their existing scratch bass take was already extremely good.
Circe 0.25 out of 5 stars
No, not really. I feel very well-defined~
Others telling you that you act very different sometimes or that you are expressing things that are "out of character" sometimes Fox 5 out of 5 stars
It has ended relationships for us in the past. We feel so much more secure now that both we and our dear ones are aware of what’s inside my head and how to prepare for and process it.
Circe 0.5 out of 5 stars
I feel like it’s more of a “you’re acting different from Fox” than “you’re acting out of character”. It hasn’t really happened with dear ones who are aware of me.
Having a hard time answering or being unable to answer the question "Who am I as a person?" Fox 5 out of 5 stars
*God*, yeah. [ it - Identity is a fascinating thing. It’s a foundation upon which to build an understanding of one’s place in the world; a powerful lens through which to… ] Circe 3.75 out of 5 stars
I’m still figuring that out, but I’m getting towards understanding what I am. This page is us working towards it together 💙
Feeling like "you" aren't a cohesive person and that you are made up of many different modes or people Fox 5 out of 5 stars
Mhm. “Different modes” is the exact wording we’d used before discovering our plurality.
Circe 5 out of 5 stars
Feeling like the you of a few years ago is not the same you that exists now in a very visceral sense more than a "I changed and grew a lot since then" sense Fox 5 out of 5 stars
So, so intensely; this one we feel perhaps most intensely out of the points so far, as mentioned before.
Circe 1.75 out of 5 stars
I’m… torn on this, a bit. On one hand, I’ve only been hard fronting for a week, and so I don’t really have a “me of a few years ago”; on the other hand, I’ve seen Fox change and grow as a person from the back of our mind—but, I don’t know, it feels like the same Fox to me.
Not feeling "whole", feeling like a shattered piece of a person that should exist Fox 3.5 out of 5 stars
Yeah. I’d often felt incomplete; things that we associated with “full” personhood, like hopes or dreams or goals or even love and relationship, felt absent from our life frequently, like we didn’t have access to a lot of our own mind save for what was absolutely necessary.
Circe 5 out of 5 stars
Pretty spot on, not much to add. I’ve literally described us that way to our partner, as something we’ve shattered into.
General feelings that you are "not yourself" sometimes Fox 2.25 out of 5 stars
Yeah. The monster.
Circe 1.75 out of 5 stars
I think it only happens when we blur before switching or almost switching.
Only having some skills or ability to do a certain task well some of the time Fox 0.25 out of 5 stars
Not that strongly. It feels more like a lack of motivation more than losing skills.
Circe 3.25 out of 5 stars
Ugh. I sometimes have days where I feel like I can’t find the spark to actually make progress on anything, and end up bashing my head against something that should have been easy—and usually leaving it for another day and vegetating for the rest of this one instead.
I’m realizing I’m approaching this checklist very different from Fox, I think it’s thinking more in terms of our whole, contrasted to how I’m mostly relating this to just my own experiences.
Sometimes you identify very differently from how you usually do (ex, in age, gender, pronouns, sexuality, species, general “internal self–image”, opinions, likes/dislikes) Fox 5 out of 5 stars
Yuuup. I still haven’t quite figured out the whole gender ordeal, I’m kinda transitioning to see where it takes me with no particular goal in mind, and my feelings on it change frequently. I have trouble keeping track of my age—I know Circe is slightly younger than me, actually—and pronouns, well, she sometimes uses more than just “it” for me.
Circe 4.5 out of 5 stars
Yeah, that’s actually one of the things that clued us into more than just Fox being here; how it felt natural for it to talk about me as “she”, and how transient our sexuality and dysphorias felt at various times.
Sometimes you have specific urges or thoughts that you usually do not Fox 4 out of 5 stars
Hm. Yes and no? I’m not sure if they feel like my thoughts, but it does happen, especially when things get intense, good or bad.
Circe 3 out of 5 stars
I can get a bit scary when I get excited :3
Sometimes you feel like the things on this list apply and sometimes you refuse to believe it or otherwise do not Fox 5 out of 5 stars
Yes, holy shit. Yup. That’s what kept us from realizing our plurality for so long—we would feel multiple long enough to start doubting, and then that feeling would fade when we’d start considering it seriously. It wasn’t until we finally had irrefutable evidence of there being more than just me here that we accepted there might be more of me, and even then, we were extremely non-committal about it.
Circe 1.25 out of 5 stars
Not since this week. It’s very real now, but we used to tell people “we’re not quite plural ” or “ probably not plural, but…”
You have contradicting thoughts, preferences, or opinions sometimes Fox 4 out of 5 stars
Oh yeah. It’s actually much less frequent for me than it should to have a consistent, non–self–contradictory opinion of something.
Circe 2 out of 5 stars
At times, especially during those “parallel thoughts” moments I mentioned in one of the earlier points.
You sometimes have different handwriting, accents, or mannerisms and attribute characteristics to these “modes” Fox 5 out of 5 stars
Yes! That’s one of the Big Things that clued me into there being more than just me here. The mannerisms and attributes, way of speaking, things others would notice and point out and clock me with before we’d even suspected anything.
Circe 4.5 out of 5 stars
Oh gods, yeah. Fox’s handwriting is wild , and dear ones are telling us that my voice is very different. We’ve described it as “modes” before I was distinct.
Feeling like you had a sudden stray thought or feeling that doesn’t belong to you, feeling like some other entity is influencing your thoughts or feelings Fox 5 out of 5 stars
Yeah. Most of my songwriting works this way, actually—and in retrospect, there are definitely a couple… extremely Circe songs we’ve written. I also have a good backlog of writing we’re pretty certain comes from a third one of us, but I want to let them develop by themselves rather than trying to force them to unblur.
Circe 3.5 out of 5 stars
A lot. Hi, Fox!
Feeling like you have to put effort into being a cohesive person, or that you have to put effort into “not being plural” Fox 5 out of 5 stars
That was a thing for us, yeah; a thing that put a lot of strain on my relationships and gave me so much social anxiety. It’s a lot of weight off my chest for us to have had this week to really explore our plurality and talk about it with our dearest ones in a safe and affirming environment.
Circe 4.5 out of 5 stars
Gods, yeah. I feel cohesive, but I so want to just… be Circe to people. I feel like the default is going to be to have my existence doubted.
Skipping; these didn’t seem common to us and they seem mostly focused on self-diagnosing and suspicions of plurality, which we didn’t really have until we already had irrefutable evidence there were others here.
Only remembering some things some of the time, especially past life events, adverse experiences, or personal information of you or others Fox 5 out of 5 stars
Yeah, that was the first thing we noticed. I have a number of big memory holes, and they’d sometimes be accessible, while other memories would stop being accessible at the same time.
Circe 4 out of 5 stars
A lot , I can’t really access a lot of the details in Fox’s memories.
Forgetting you have quit your job/graduated school/etc for extended periods of time before realizing. Especially if it happens more than once and not only just when you wake up and it’s been years since you were going to that job/school/etc Fox 0.25 out of 5 stars
Nope. We do have memory barriers, but they’re nowhere this strong, we share our awareness of what’s been going on in our life, we just don’t share the details and vivid memories.
Circe 0 out of 5 stars
Not really, no.
Forgetting you have forgotten something major, especially if you have to have a revelation about remembering the thing more than once/find evidence that you had to do this Fox 4 out of 5 stars
Yup. I’m missing multiple years of my life that seem to suddenly show up in my memory unannounced, and then leave again later.
Circe 5 out of 5 stars
Gods, absolutely. I don’t know whether half the things we think we experienced should be in my head or not, and we’ve had multiple revelations just recalling our life trying to figure out how long I’ve been here for.
Not remembering certain important life events, positive or negative at all, like graduations, parties, natural disasters, other traumatic or stressful events, etc Fox 5 out of 5 stars
Mhm. I don’t have access to my second year of high school or most of the time at my first job.
Circe 2 out of 5 stars
I have a very good memory for things I was here for, even those that happened a long time ago—but at the same time, I know I’m missing a lot of details that I wasn’t around for.
Not remembering large swaths of your childhood or adolescence, beyond just normal levels of infantile amnesia Fox 5 out of 5 stars
See above.
Circe 1.75 out of 5 stars
…I’m realizing I have a much better recall of a lot of Fox’s past than it does. Perhaps we split much earlier than we initially thought?
Not remembering what you did recently, how you got somewhere, conversations you had, possibly whole days of time./dt> Fox 5 out of 5 stars
Yup. That was the major sign for us.
Circe 5 out of 5 stars
Yeah, that happens very intensely whenever I come out. We usually have that momentary “huh ?”
”Coming to” in places without remembering how you got there or why you went there in the first place Fox 5 out of 5 stars
Happened a lot this week, when Circe started hard fronting, but it’s been happening a lot even before then.
Circe 5 out of 5 stars
Almost every time. It’s exhausting.
People describe you as incredibly forgetful in some way Fox 5 out of 5 stars
We often have the same conversation multiple times, forget what we were doing or whether we did something or not, etc. Yeah.
Circe 1.5 out of 5 stars
I don’t think so? I feel like I have a much better memory than Fox does.
Finding evidence you have done something you don’t remember doing (such as texts, internet history, or possessions) or people claiming you have done something you don’t remember doing Fox 5 out of 5 stars
Circe 4 out of 5 stars
Oh yeah, especially texts—those happen a lot, since I’m prone to typing up paragraphs and it’s easy to stumble upon those afterwards.
Not remembering how you obtained certain possessions you have, particularly if you feel you would have remembered buying them Fox 0.25 out of 5 stars
No, not really. I remember this happening once in my life, and with something very minor.
Circe 5 out of 5 stars
…I have just realized I have no memory of how we got most things at our place. Fox loves building computers and builds all of its machines, complete with watercooling setups and piping and whatnot; I… only have a vague idea of what’s inside them, and it’s not lack of technical knowledge—we’re about similarly interested in tech, it’s just that I don’t really have a memory of speccing our machines out, getting parts, or building them.
People claiming you have lied, but you don’t think you have lied Fox 4 out of 5 stars
Yeah. I don’t lie, I think trust is one of the most important things in the world—but I do prefer keeping logs of conversations just so I can double–check my own memory when this happens—and it’s happened a number of times, with me finding that I said something that seems to clash with my beliefs or memories.
Circe 5 out of 5 stars
Oof, yeah, this happens a lot . It’s usually very abrupt when we switch, and it’s been frequently misread as a shift in attitude for the worse, which prompts people to get defensive and look for more inconsistencies 😔
Knowing that something occurred, like a traumatic event, but not knowing what you felt during that time or the exact details of it Fox 5 out of 5 stars
Yeah. “Knowing that it happened but having no memory of it” is exactly how we’ve described it before.
Circe 2 out of 5 stars
Yes and no? I’m realizing I can recall most of the Bad Stuff in our life, but a lot of it feels like flashes of pictures and emotions, rather than a continuous, living memory.
Feeling like you can’t place life events you have experienced on a timeline very well or at all Fox 5 out of 5 stars
Most of pre-2017 is a complete mess.
Circe 0 out of 5 stars
My initial answer, before peeking at Fox’s, was “no, my memories are very clearly ordered and correspond to concrete dates”.
It’s wild to me learning how much we diverge on this one.
Feeling like “time does not exist” to you or that you otherwise have a warped perception of time Fox 3 out of 5 stars
Not in the moment, but days, weeks, and months when I wasn’t here blur together and seem to hold no relation to the year or my age.
Circe 5 out of 5 stars
Yeah, constantly. My sleep schedule is nonexistent, I have little to no concept of when I should or shouldn’t be tired, until I crash completely. It’s hard to match up events to even a time of day.
Feeling like it’s the first time you have done something even if you know logically you have done it a million times and have the memory of you doing it many times in the past Fox 4 out of 5 stars
I remember being over at a friend’s place—they had a wonderful old piano, and I’d sat down at it and went “wow, this piano sounds amazing, you never told me you had something this cool”, only for them to respond “Fox, you’ve played this piano every time you’ve been over.”
I am also now realizing I only remember being over at their place once .
Circe 5 out of 5 stars
I do get to have a lot of first times, now that I’m so intensely here . Even food feels new.
Feeling like you have the memory recall level most people have of dreams for most of your life, or that you have “sparknotes memory” Fox 3.75 out of 5 stars
Yes and no. I do have really vivid and long–lasting memories of the things I was around for, but at the same time, “it feels like a dream that faded because you didn’t write it down fast enough” is exactly how I’ve described trying to reach for the other’s memories to friends.
Circe 1.75 out of 5 stars
What is “sparknotes memory”? I have a pretty okay idea of what we’ve been up to in the past, at least broadly.
Feeling like certain memories in the body do not belong to you or otherwise do not feel like yours Fox 3.75 out of 5 stars
I don’t really have access to the others’ memories , but “that memory isn’t mine” is the exact wording I’ve used to explain why I can’t recall something clearly, only that it happened.
Circe 5 out of 5 stars
Hi, Fox! I very much feel like a guest in our head still, so—yeah, absolutely.
Sometimes you just feel “very strange” in a way you can’t place Fox 4.5 out of 5 stars
Yup. I’ve felt off, not quite like me, like something is different.
Circe 5 out of 5 stars
Yeah. I get odd… psychosomatic? symptoms briefly when I switch in, most often a nondescript feeling of… dread, anxiety, tension, like something isn’t right.
Sometimes feeling like the world around you is surreal or dreamlike or like it’s in a fog or far away. Fox 5 out of 5 stars
Yeah. I struggled with depersonalization for a looong time.
Circe 3 out of 5 stars
It happens, especially the “far away” part, especially when we blur.
Sometimes feeling like familiar places, objects, or people are unfamiliar or not like they are yours/people you know/places you have been. Fox 4 out of 5 stars
Not often, but it happened in the past; at times, very intensely.
Circe 4 out of 5 stars
Yeah. It hasn’t happened with people to my knowledge, but it definitely has with places .
Sometimes it feels like watching things happen around you feels like watching a movie, like you are a bystander in life. Fox 5 out of 5 stars
I’ve used those exact words to describe it! Yeah, I feel so disconnected from what’s actually happening to the flesh golem so often.
Circe 4 out of 5 stars
Hasn’t happened to me, but fuck me , this was so frequent for Fox it occupies a space in our mind that’s so intense it’s almost tangible.
Your surroundings or the people around you feel fake, unreal, or simulated. Fox 2 out of 5 stars
Not really, no. I do, a lot of the time.
Circe 3 out of 5 stars
Not “fake” or “simulated”, but that feeling of “something about this place or situation feels a bit uncanny valley ” has definitely happened a lot. Like a… reverse déjà vu, where something I’m currently looking at feels like a déjà vu “injected memory”; a surreality of sorts.
Sometimes you don’t feel real, or like you are invisible or fake or do not exist. Fox 2.75 out of 5 stars
It happened really strongly in the past once , but hasn’t really since. I’m not sure if a one–time perception glitch counts for “sometimes”.
Circe 5 out of 5 stars
Ugh. I’m still very, very much doubting my “realness”. I know Fox once had a really bad dissociative episode for a couple months that fucked it up so much it was convinced it wasn’t real.
You feel like you are solely a conduit for experiencing things rather than a cohesive person with an identity some or all of the time. Fox 5 out of 5 stars
Ah, yup. [ it - Identity is a fascinating thing. It’s a foundation upon which to build an understanding of one’s place in the world; a powerful lens through which to… ] Wording it as not being a “person with an identity” really hits; it feels like I’m just here for things to happen to me , with no real personhood of my own a lot .
Circe 4 out of 5 stars
That used to be the case! I’m a cohesive person with an identity since Monday, but—as a trade–in, I suppose we no longer are.
Feeling numbed to or detached from certain senses or body parts that you usually can feel just fine. Fox 5 out of 5 stars
Oh, yeah. At times it feels like any touch or pain or pleasure happening to an extremity or otherwise a part of my body is… inaccessible to me? As if it was happening to someone else.
Circe 3.5 out of 5 stars
Yes and no—yes because I feel this exact experience was defining for our asexuality, no because, well, it hasn’t actually been happening now that I’m here :3
Feeling detached from your thoughts, sense of self, or agency Fox 4.25 out of 5 stars
Yeah. For a long time, I’d intentionally draw a line between me and my thoughts since they seemed so foreign—and I’ve not really felt like I have a sense of self much.
Circe 3.5 out of 5 stars
Oh, yeah. A lot of my sense of self and whatnot is… not exactly Fox’s, but not entirely independent either.
Feeling like your emotions are happening “over there” or to someone else. Fox 5 out of 5 stars
Oh god, so much . That was one of the most intense regular dissociative symptoms I would have—the feeling of “I can tell, logically, that I’m distressed, but I don’t feel it and have an almost disturbing detachment and clarity of mind.”
Circe 3 out of 5 stars
Rarely, when I’m in crisis management mode. I’ve felt myself grow detached and emotionless when needing to handle an emergency.
Feeling like you are floating outside your body or watching yourself/having an out of body experience. Fox 1.25 out of 5 stars
Not really? It was never an “out of body” thing, necessarily, more like being in the backseat and watching things happen without my involvement.
Circe 0.25 out of 5 stars
Not that I can remember, but I’ve felt Fox outside of me.
People claim you are “spacey” or “zoned out” a lot. Fox 1.5 out of 5 stars
Eh. Just the usual amount, I feel.
Circe 4 out of 5 stars
Yeah, quite a bit. I get lost in my thoughts extremely regularly.
Focusing on what is presently going on instead of your internal world is difficult sometimes, you feel very “zoned out” often. Fox 2.5 out of 5 stars
Again; just the usual amount, probably. I get lost in thought a bunch.
Circe 1 out of 5 stars
It hasn’t felt difficult ; if there’s something important going on, it always takes priority over introspection.
Feeling like your experience of having a body gives about as much of a disconnect as some people seem to have about first–person video games. Fox 4.75 out of 5 stars
Yeah, see the prior mentions of “watching things happen.” I’ve described it this exact way in the past, actually—to the point that seeing my arms move would disconnected in the same way as watching the player character perform actions on screen that had no relation to my reality.
Circe 1.5 out of 5 stars
Not necessarily for me, but I remember this happening a lot , and extremely intensely, to Fox.
Very easily being “tranced”, hypnotized, or “zoned out” when exposed to stimuli frequently considered hypnotic or rhythmic. Fox 0.5 out of 5 stars
No, not really to my knowledge. I remember it happening twice in my entire life.
Circe 0 out of 5 stars
I don’t think I ever had any experience like that.
Visual or auditory distortions such as blurry vision, muffled sounds, tunnel vision, vision fading or cutting out in some way, rippling/swaying vision, sounds feeling like they are on slow motion. Fox 3.75 out of 5 stars
Funnily enough, a lot more since we split. It used to happen very occasionally, when dissociating extremely bad, but now it’s a very frequent occurrence when we have particularly rough switches.
Circe 0.75 out of 5 stars
Not really, no. I peeked at Fox’s answer, and I don’t think that’s a fully shared experience.
Feeling dizzy, lightheaded, or nauseous frequently. Fox 1 out of 5 stars
Eh. Not really, maybe when we dissociate for a long time.
Circe 4 out of 5 stars
Oh. Yeah. Especially if I’ve been here for a while, I feel lightheaded and that kind of “somatically anxious” a lot.
Getting “head pressures” or headaches. Fox 4 out of 5 stars
See above. Very frequent—almost universal—when we’re particularly dissociative and have a rough switch. “Head pressure” is the perfect way to describe it.
Circe 5 out of 5 stars
Every time we’re dissociating.
Finding it hard to move or becoming catatonic or paralyzed, partially or totally sometimes, sometimes with accompanied fatigue or sleepiness. Fox 3.25 out of 5 stars
Again; pretty common during rough switches and particularly dissociative episodes. I don’t remember this ever happening before we split.
Circe 2 out of 5 stars
Soooometimes, but rarely. Usually only in times of extreme stress or weariness.
High tolerance for pain/being able to block out or not notice pain, even at high levels. Fox 0.25 out of 5 stars
Not beyond the normal effects of adrenaline and whatnot.
Circe 0.5 out of 5 stars
I’m not sure! I haven’t really been hurt to a degree that would push my tolerance for pain, but I remember piercings and some E injections being significantly unpleasant.
Feeling physical pain when nothing is physically wrong. Fox 2 out of 5 stars
Used to happen for a while, but went away when we changed our antidepressants.
Circe 0.25 out of 5 stars
Not really, I don’t think.
Loss of physical sensations like sight, hearing, speech, or feelings of hunger. Fox 3.75 out of 5 stars
Not sight or hearing, but there have been episodes where we’ve found ourselves unable to speak, and I’d gone a day without eating sometimes because I just forgot to, and hunger wasn’t there.
Circe 0 out of 5 stars
Not that I can remember.
Nonepileptic seizures of any kind. Fox 2 out of 5 stars
*Looks up definition of a seizure.* …Yeah? Holy shit is this definition broad. We’d had sudden tremors, and unexplained loss of consciousness.
Circe 1.25 out of 5 stars
At times. I think it’s mostly been for Fox, though; the memories get muddy, obviously.
The numbers in your system have little stability, especially if you are under stress. Fox 1 out of 5 stars
It’s hard to tell. It’s very distinctly a duo of me and Circe, but there have been others that show up briefly in times of distress or confusion, with unfamiliar answers to the disambiguating questions our partner asks us when we’re blurry, and memories neither me nor C have—but I don’t know if that’s the number changing, or just that the others are constant, but out very rarely.
Circe 1.25 out of 5 stars
Not really, but that’s… not the whole answer. We have distinct stress–states who aren’t people (yet?), but aren’t me or Fox (or Moth! 💜), and aren’t consistent—in the sense that every time I’m here it’s the same me; the stress states haven’t really felt like they recur.
Poor communication in the system, with some or all headmates being affected. Fox 4 out of 5 stars
Circe seems much more familiar with the others than I am, but we also have a hard time communicating—we’d settled on writing notes and letters to each other; we can, sometimes and with a lot of effort, put ourselves into a kind of trance that lets us reach out to the other and hear flashes of their thoughts, but it’s not easy or reliable.
Circe 2.75 out of 5 stars
It’s been getting a lot better as we’ve been putting work into it, but I know Fox can’t really reach anyone but me, and even for me that’s hard. I can reach Fox in quieter times.
Poor memory sharing in the system, with some or all headmates being affected. Fox 4.25 out of 5 stars
Yuuuuuup. We only share little flashes and sometimes a vague awareness of what was going on while I was gone, but we don’t really have common memories that feel like memories, just scattered clippings of shared knowledge of things that happened in our life.
Circe 5 out of 5 stars
Oh. Yes. Yup. There’s very , very little memory sharing—we still rely on notes and messages to each other, shared calendars, reading chat backlogs etc for anything important.
Poor control over switching, with some or all headmates being affected. Fox 4.75 out of 5 stars
We have almost no control over switches whatsoever. Circe managed to call me out once , and not for a lack of trying. We can’t really stop a switch once we start dissociating.
Circe 5 out of 5 stars
We have no control over who’s here, pretty much at all.
The vast number of “front triggers” for those in the system are negative and upsetting, especially if front triggers are the only way for your system to switch with any kind of ease or at all. Fox 2.75 out of 5 stars
Triggered switches are the smoothest and most reliable, but I don’t think the switches are negative or upsetting . Circe reliably comes out when a dear one needs care.
Circe 0.5 out of 5 stars
Not really, I don’t think. I come out immediately to protect people, but it doesn’t feel like a negative trigger.
The vast number of “front triggers” for those in the system are negative and upsetting, especially if front triggers are the only way for your system to switch with any kind of ease or at all.Specific headmates have specific mental health issues that you don’t seem to, particularly if they are stuck on a past trauma that you are not or have PTSD or C-PTSD symptoms. Fox 0.25 out of 5 stars
Not to my knowledge. Circe has a lot more executive function than I do, but that’s about it as far as mental stability goes.
Circe 4.25 out of 5 stars
Moth is kinda fucked up. Fox is very depressive and still struggles with self–worth or even feeling like a person.
Specific headmates keep doing or saying things that scare, harm, or otherwise distress you or others in the system. Fox 0.5 out of 5 stars
At times, but it’s less of a self–destructive thing, and more of just “Circe is a different person from me, and the decisions she makes aren’t always the same ones I would’ve made in her place.”
Circe 4 out of 5 stars
Moth is kinda fucked up! But also in kinda a fun way, and I keep them in check. They’re just very horny for pain and breaking.
Specific headmates lash out at or try to harm the body, others around you, or your possessions. Fox 0.75 out of 5 stars
Moth is kinda a pain addict, but purely in an excitement, adrenaline rush way; they’re not self–destructive.
Circe 0.25 out of 5 stars
Nope. Sometimes we need to put our foot down and draw clear boundaries, and we’ve done so very firmly at times, but it’s intended to protect rather than harm.
General getting along difficulties and finding it hard to make cooperative decisions. Fox 0.25 out of 5 stars
We’ve had disagreements, and some aspects of who we are are distinctly incompatible, but we get along really well with Circe. She’s, definitionally, the closest person in my life, and I trust her with it as much as I trust myself—maybe even more.
Circe 0 out of 5 stars
We’re a team. We’re different people, yes, and sometimes the things I do and want are things Fox wouldn’t do and doesn’t want—I mean, especially with Fox’s asexuality and whatnot—but it’s very much a “I don’t have a desire for this, but I like seeing you happy” kind of thing. We’re a team.
Frequent identity confusion, episodes of not knowing who you are, or feeling like you are a combination of people in the system in an unpleasant way. Feeling “blurry” often. Fox 3.75 out of 5 stars
Yeah. Blurring is really distressing, and we often wake up not knowing who’s here or who we are. I try to do something that Circe had planned to do, and find it completely unappealing without being able to understand why until we eventually disambiguate.
Circe 5 out of 5 stars
Gods. Pretty much every morning, and sometimes during the day too. It’s not fun.
Fluctuations in communication, memory sharing, switching control, etc that coincide with specific life events. Fox 4 out of 5 stars
Yup. There have very distinctly been Things That Happened that stopped me or Circe from coming out at all for a while, and that only one of us remembers.
Circe 3.75 out of 5 stars
Yeah. We get “stuck” here for a long time during distressing times, and the other rarely comes back out until things calm down.
Any of your experiences with things mentioned anywhere in this document are making your life difficult in any way or otherwise distressing you. Fox 5 out of 5 stars
…Yeah. I love C, she’s great, but it would have been so much easier had we never split. I never asked for this, never wanted this, and it’s put enormous strain on every aspect of our life.
Circe 3 out of 5 stars
At first, it was a nightmare, but we’ve found our rhythm, and I think we’re gradually healing.